What is Organic Blood?

Organic Blood is team of creative minds that believe in the power of nature. We create events, marketing campaigns, gourmet food, teach yoga, Lifestyle Consult, and distribute products that are associated with a Wholistic based lifestyle.

On our path we’ve had the honor of working with companies such as: Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap, Nutiva, Queen Afua, The Hemp Industry Association, Silverback Music Management, and Bee Line Hemp Wick.

Executing our visions has lead to many people being able to learn more about incorporating elements of Earth into their day to day lives and be entertained in a supportive environment that serves to nourish and flourish the body and mind.

It all started like this…..


5 years ago we decided that enough is enough. Waking up every morning to a blarring alarm clock only to rush to sit in to traffic to go to a job with a manager that monitored your stats and pulled you to the side to discuss your preformance is no way to live.

Counting the days until Friday so you can get your check that is already spent before you had a chance to cash it. Hoping and praying that nothing goes wrong because Lord knows there is no extra money to pay for it. Someone had to put a stop to the madness and the only ones to do it was us. We wanted to see what it meant to really live off of faith.

Everyone says it but how many people actually do it? The creativity inside of us would keep us up at night and could make us feel like we were flying when we would talk about our dreams and how we REALLY wanted to be living life. We quit everything. Decided to say Fuck a 9-5 cuz I’m not satisifed!! Gave up everything that that 9-5 job provided. House went through foreclosure, repossession of the whips, no luxuries, no home. We went into self-study and searched internally for guidance. During the process we cleansed our bodies and together we lost over 100 pounds. Learned to honor ourselves. Have to live pure to live pure you feel me? No more bullshit. No more not living to our fullest potential.

You are witnessing our come up. The otherside of this story. Subscribe and follow our journey. Let our passion and fearlessness spark yours inside of you. We are Organic Blood. Malik Zakee & Tiffany Janay.

Can you relate?


Tiffany Janay started out her life following the paved path to achieving the American dream.  She spent long days and nights working 9-5’s that never seemed to bring her enough fulfillment personally or financially.  After realizing that the typical path was not going to lead her to where she felt contentment, she made a drastic change to claim creative freedom.  She exchanged her mundane and predictable life for a more exciting, nourishing, and unpredictable path.

She became a full time student of life and discovered nature and how to use it to achieve her goals.  After losing over 50 pounds and curing herself of dis-ease, her desire to live the best life possible for herself surprisingly inspired other people to want to do the same for themselves. This personal goal lead to an entrepreneurial success.  Currently she is a writer for Nug Magazine and contributes monthly pieces on holistic living, entrepreneurship, and creative arts.

In addition, she co-owns Organic Blood with her husband and uses her creative skills and knowledge to reach people who are in need through weekly blogging, media, events, eating high vibrational foods, and social gatherings.  Organic Blood is creating an evolutionary culture that is moving past sickness and dis-ease and inspires them to express their personal passions and evolve their piece of the world through their creativity and overall love for life.

Also an artist of sales and marketing, she is a distributor for high quality eco-conscious products and companies and serves as a brand manager by creating a synergetic harmony between good brands and consumers.

12 thoughts on “What is Organic Blood?

  1. organicblood November 11, 2010 at 8:30 pm Reply

    thats whats up…i love your storie….

  2. tmill December 11, 2010 at 7:33 am Reply

    I am truly inspired by this movement. Tiffany Janay and Malik Zakee make it cool to be green.

  3. Jordan Gray March 7, 2011 at 4:41 pm Reply

    I work for CSX.. Corporate america..federal railroad… I am sick and tired of being sick and tired…..your story gives me hope in leaving this life behind and creating a newer, greener future. Thank you!

    • organicblood March 8, 2011 at 5:37 am Reply

      We feel you Katelyn, we worked for corporate American too and it damn near killed us!! Get out quick and save yourself. Life should be lived more organically, do what you feel. We support you and hope our fearlessness trickles down to you and inspires you to set yourself free.

  4. Boogiedown May 25, 2011 at 7:04 pm Reply

    This story is dope. One of my best friends in the world, Wendi, put me on to this site and I am truly inspired to hear a story like this. I am from Ohio and we need this kind of inspiration, thank you both.

    • organicblood November 28, 2011 at 11:37 pm Reply

      I dont know how I missed it, but just seeing your comment Boogiedown. Glad you are here with us. Thanks to your friend Wendi.

  5. aubergine.daydream November 22, 2011 at 5:09 am Reply

    the universe speaks. in so many ways. a friend spoke to me of ‘magical realism’.
    he said, “you have magical realism in your life.” inherently. with the memory of an elephant,
    so many chapters of the journey, have gone down like de ja vous, in reverse.
    all of today my mind has been racing. rapt with the ideas that plague me. not too much
    different from any other day of mind travel. for a while, the desire has stirred about to
    contribute to bringing consciousness to the unconscious. a confidante called and said
    they had a gift for me. one that speaks to seeing through to fruition the deepest desire of my
    heart. and upon, being led to Organic Blood, will take it as confirmation to Motivate.
    steady maintain on my mission.. overjoyed in excitement of the uncertain.
    muchisimas gracias . continued light. ~bless

    :: so many people feel that the sky is falling all around them. in truth, life is in ma’at.
    :: come light of night or dark of day, they will Wise Up, one way or another.

    • organicblood November 28, 2011 at 11:38 pm Reply

      Great Story, we are so glad to meet you and welcome to our circle. Please comment on our blogs, we would love to hear your thoughts.

  6. vhicks December 4, 2011 at 5:40 pm Reply

    I definitely can relate to the robbing eter to pay Paul….month after month after month. I am looking forward and working towards becoming free from corporate america and living the lifestyle I am intended to live. I live the organic lifestyle, but it can be very expensive. I’m so glad I was introduced to an opportunity that will eventually allow me to live life on my own terms. It might take me a couple of years to get there….but I will get there. Peace!

    P.S.- if you want more info. email me at vhicks265@gmail.com

    • organicblood December 7, 2011 at 3:29 am Reply

      So glad to hear from a fellow Fuk a 9-5er! Thats great to hear that you are claiming the rights to your life. We definitely dig that.

      How did you find us?

  7. Keisha June 20, 2012 at 2:04 am Reply

    I recently was introduced to Coconut Oil and found your youtube video in search of it’s benefits, which led me to wanting to know more and I came upon your story. Amazing and so motivating. Can you point me in the right direction for using organic cocnut oil? Where should I go to find out how to take it for weight lose and to fight off bacteria in the body. Again you have an amazing story and it’s very motivational and inspring.

    • organicblood June 25, 2012 at 7:46 pm Reply

      Thank you Keisha, we are glad you have found us. As far as getting more information, there is tons of it available on the internet, just start searching and you will find what you are in need of I’m sure. I get a ton of good information from the people at http://www.Nutiva.com that is also the brand that I prefer to use. Hope you stick around with us here and continue to follow the movement. Subscribe to our blog so we can stay in touch and LIKE us on Facebook. Thanks.

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